


  • 標準
  • 大
  • 最大
  • スマートフォンサイト
  • English
  • 携帯サイト
  • サイトマップ
  • 交通アクセス
  • お問い合わせ

First floor

Floor layout

First floor

Circulation Counter

Circulation Counter

This counter handles borrowing and returning for all collections, as well as visitor registration.



Works in various fields are exhibited throughout the year.

Newspaper magazine Corner

Newspaper magazine corner

We have a large variety of domestic and foreign newspapers, magazines, etc., from general to specialized.

AV Corner

AV corner

Audiovisual materials such as DVDs, CD-ROMs, videotapes, CDs and cassette tapes are available. The booths allow for viewing of these materials and internet use.

Children’s Reading Room

Children’s library

We have a wide range of children’s literature and related materials such as books, picture books and kamishibai cards.

Story-telling room

Story hour room

Storytelling or reading events are held for children.

Children’s Literature Research Room

Children’s literature research room

We have various materials on children’s literature research.

Reading Service Room

Assisted reading room

In this room, a volunteer reads out loud for persons with visual impairments or who have difficulty reading. Please see here about service.



Hoshino Coffee