


  • 標準
  • 大
  • 最大
  • スマートフォンサイト
  • English
  • 携帯サイト
  • サイトマップ
  • 交通アクセス
  • お問い合わせ

Request of materials, etc.

If there are materials you require but the library doesn’t have them you can request the library purchase them.

  • To make a request fill in a request form and then put it into the nearest request box.
  • Applications are limited to 3 books, 1 CD, and 1 DVD per month.
  • After receiving your request, it will be examined by the committee for the selection of new materials at the library who will decide if the materials will be purchased or not.
  • We will contact you individually as soon as the materials you have purchased are ready.

If you want to borrow materials which are not in this library, you can borrow them from public libraries in and outside Ibaraki Prefecture and the libraries of the Ibaraki Prefectural University Health Sciences, Ibaraki University and the National Diet by way of this library. Moreover, you can borrow the materials in this library through any other library.